Tuesday 5 January 2010


New Year's day swim

We went for a swim at Larkfield with Dan, Helen and Alexander. All seven of us spent most of our time in the teaching pool but Ben, Dan, Helen and I did some fitness swimming, Dan, Ben and Beccy did the space bowl and Brian, Ben, Beccy and I swam the rapids. Despite being very tired, Alexander seemed to wholly enjoy it.

New Year Scout Walk

We did the traditional scout walk from Borstal Cricket Club, round Nashenden Valley, along the river and back to the club for a beer and sausage rolls.


There was more snow, starting on Wednesday 6th Jan. It snowed during the day and was settling quickly on the ground by the evening. Ben and his friends had attempted to walk to the cinema but, after a car had nearly hit them when it slid on the snow, they decided to watch a DVD at Jenni's house instead. Brian got caught in the traffic trying to get up Bluebell Hill and it took him 3 hours, instead of the usual 15 minutes, to get home.

Schools and college were shut again on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday both children went out during the morning and I walked round to Claire's. I figured we might as well make the most of it and have coffee at least! Later, Ben modified an old skateboard, removing its wheels to make a snowboard. In the evening we all walked over to Friston rec where the children attempted to snowboard down the hill. We found some estate agent signs and road signs that had obviously been removed for their potential to make sledges. None of them was effective in sliding down the hill, none of us managed more than a couple of feet on one. Brian took a tumble off the skateboard and Beccy tried a jump. Unfortunately she just couldn't get any speed in the run up and the snowboard stopped short of the jump.

On our walk home, during which Ben and Beccy challenged each other to hit different objects with snowballs and threw large numbers before getting anywhere near (those snowballs are difficult to aim - although Ben and Brian both managed to hit me in the back three times), we spotted a snowman in the telephone box outside the corner shop. He was a large snowman with eyes, nose, large smile and a telephone handset stuck to the side of his head!

The scouts' monthly paper collection was cancelled, the first time we have ever know it to be called off since we started helping out nearly 20 years ago.

The snow finally disappeared on the 16th January.   One positive aspect to arise is that we have put off installing central heating (and have no heating devices except for wood burner in the lounge and a fan heater in one bathroom) ever since we moved into this house 15 years ago.  We have always said that we will install it when we get winters bad enough to need it.  Having had the coldest sustained period, with extensive snow, for 30 years and temperatures well into minus figures, we haven't suffered from the cold in the house so we still don't need it!  The kitchen becomes noticeably warmer even when we boil the kettle on the hob and if we are having a baking day it is like a furnace.  The heat from the woodburner is lovely to sit with in the evenings and travels even up to the second floor.  The chimney remains warm for over a day and I can use the fireplace during the day to get the bread dough to rise, it is just the right temperature.

Winter camp 8th to 10th Jan - Gillwell Park

This went ahead despite the snow and only Ben went this year. As the schools were closed, the explorers were able to go to camp early and they left at around 2.30pm. Ben said that the first night was very cold (around -6 degrees) but that the second night was better. All activities were running but it was too cold to do many of them. I picked Ben, Ben and Jenni up from the campsite on Sunday lunchtime, after a short visit to Dan and Helen. All said they enjoyed the weekend and that the cold hadn't spoiled anything. As usual we were given a tent to wash!

Breakfast Radio

I never usually think to turn on the radio (or the feed through the computer) in the mornings when I am getting ready in the kitchen but, as Chris Evans was taking over the Radio 2 breakfast show on Monday 11th, I thought I'd make the effort to listen in.  We have been listening each morning since then and will continue to do so.  Both children have said that it is nice to come downstairs to music and chat in the morning, especially as we don't alway end up in the kitchen at the same time.  Funny how little things make a difference, it's much more jolly!

Saturday 16th - sporting events in short supply.

All sporting events were off again today.  Ben's tennis match has  been postponed until tomorrow (not too long to wait) and Beccy's football training was cancelled meaning that they will play their cup semi-final tomorrow having not trained for four weeks!  Hopefully the other team haven't trained either.  Both had been due to run in the Kent Cross country trials although Beccy had been pulled from the team so that she could play for Kent.  In the end the cross country and Beccy's Kent match were both cancelled.  I haven't played netball for four weeks now and Ben will play his tennis match tomorrow with very little training done over the last few weeks.  Luckily, he did his Level 1 Coaching Assistant course two weeks ago and so he has played just a little.  I will be nice to get back to normal this week.

Garden activity

My resolution is to spend more time in the garden but for the first two weeks of January is was under too much snow.  Once the snow cleared I started to clear some vegetation.  Two foxes have been frequenting our garden and those surrounding ours.  They are quite tame.  This one had a good rest on the roof of our shed.

Beccy's first GCSEs

She got the results of her first two GCSE Physics modules.  One was brilliant - she got an A (she had said that this was her favourite topic in physics).  The other was a D giving her an overall grade of C.  She now knows that she needs to focus on the less interesting parts as well as the more interesting and, hopefully, she will get above D in the next lot.  We are pleased with the A and, also pleased that she has set herself targets for the next modules.

She entered a writing competition, submitting a poem about how football is a hugely important part of her childhood.  Also, she has applied to become an assistant coach and referee for girls' football.   I'm really pleased that she has the confidence to give it a try and that she wants to give something back to the game.  We just need to find a team that needs her!


Ben won a silver medal in the individual 2000m indoor rowing event (North Kent) and a gold medal in the relay event.  He qualified for the Kent championships and has his sights on the nationals after that.  Well done Ben!

Other events

We found a flat that we liked and decided to buy it as an investment which we, hopefully, will be able to use ourselves at some point as well.  It is a compact one bedroom flat in a conservation area with a modern kitchen and bathroom and allocated parking.  Hopefully, it should be relatively easy to rent out as there are at least five or six major employers within walking distance, including mine!  Can't wait to get in and make it nice, ready for letting.

I was contacted by a lady in Australia in connection with my family tree, which I share on the internet.  She thinks her friend might be my dad's cousin.  She had a very sad story of emigration, death in Japanese POW camps and foster care.  It looks quite positive that she is related to us, we just need to find the right documents to prove it.  I am going to keep in contact with her to, hopefully, give her some information about her extended family.