Monday 17 May 2010

May - half way through

It's been a busy week.  On Monday Beccy and I attended the Creative Writing Awards evening at the University of Kent.  Beccy had sent in a poem which was being judged against poems written by adults.  Entries had to be about childhood and Beccy wrote a poem about her relationship with football and how she sees it as part of her childhood, not envisaging it to be part of her adulthood.  It's difficult to imagine Beccy without football but it might happen.  Her poem wasn't shortlisted (she didn't expect it to be) and the standard of what was read out from the winning entries was very high.  I think it was a good experience for her, even though she also doesn't see writing as part of her adulthood.  I thought her poem was well written and written from the heart, I hope she writes some more.

I have started working almost full-time for the next 6 weeks at least.  Ben prepared by buying in stuff for the freezer that he can cook if he has to wait too long for his dinner or if he needs to eat early because he is going out.

I decided to start rowing again and arranged to meet Josie at the rowing club.  I had planned to start with a leisurely row in a double but there was a scratch race in the run up to the universities boat race and I put my name in the pot.  My scratch crew lost the first heat (I caught a few crabs, probably helping us to lose the race) and then in the second race (for third and fourth place) the bow rower lost his oar down the side of the boat and, as we were travelling too fast, he couldn't free it, we had to stop rowing to allow him to sort it out and we lost our lead.  I had caught a couple of crabs as well in that race but was quite pleased that mine wasn't the worst!  This was my first row for over nine months and I was very out of practice.  I stayed around for a while to help out at the boat race.  One thing that made the races really special was the seal who bobbed its head up out of the river and watched us turn the boats round ready for the start of the first race, then again watched us leave the boathouse to head for the start of the second race.

On Sunday 16th, Beccy and I ran the Race for Life, the tenth year running for me and the sixth year for her.  we ran with Helen, Mum, Natalie and Izzy.  Beccy ran it in 30 minutes and I ran it in 38 - not particularly good for me but I had thought that with a dodgy knee and two rowing races the day before it might have taken longer.

After the race we went to the Bull on Penenden Heath for lunch.  Alexander was obsessed by going up and down steps and I held his hand so that he could keep his balance.  He was trying to count with me when we were playing with his stacking cups.  It definitely sounded a bit like one-two-three!

Ben and Jenni came along to watch and, after they had eaten, went bag packing with the Explorers at Tesco to raise funds for their South Africa trip.
In the afternoon, we went to Cobdown Sports Ground to watch Beccy's football team collect the trophy for winning their league division and the trophy for the Fair Play award.

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